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Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
Dodgingtown Fire Department
Called to order 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners present: Burton, Cragin, Descheneaux, Goosman, Jossick, Manna, and Nesvesky
Fire Marshal’s Present: Halstead, Frampton, and Clark


Motion: Goosman moved to approve the minutes of the Regular Monthly meeting of 6/25/12 as correct
  • Budget: Purchasing agent line – Burton stated Sandy Hook was reimbursed $4600 more than they should have been. Purchasing agent brought to the attention of B. Tait and B. Halstead, Sandy Hook repaid the money to the town.  
Correspondence to the BOFC:
Date                             To/From                                Subject
Hawleyville officers for 2012/2013 were submitted
6/26/12                 Cragin/ Halstead                   Request of 441 at Bridgewater Parade
                                 Burton/Tait                           $34,000 subject to approval will be into Capitol account around 8/1/12 and then a P.O. will be issued for new Fire Marshal vehicle
Correspondence from the BOFC:
7/20/12                   Aurelia/Cragin                        list of fire police to be sworn in
Public Participation
Rob Mcculloh would like to buy his helmet from board because of recent resignation from Hook & Ladder. He was told that it would have to be brought to the town and Burton said he would speak with Tait.
Fire Marshal’s Report
  • Halstead reported for the month of June there were 85 calls, 475 incidents, and 359 hours worked
  • Fees collected for the month - $145.00
  • Damage for the month was $40,000. Excavator on Pole Bridge and accident on I-84 in Hawleyville
  • Helped with Southbury Fire Marshal interviews
  • St. Rose Carnival Inspection
  • Witness Soil Samples taken on 11 Meadow Rd
  • Assist with Inspections 178 Mt. Pleasant, 27 and 75 Glen Rd.
  • NAA – Site plan
  • NHS fire door issue
  • Burning Complaint
  • Emergency Response Guide Distribution
  • Fire Drill at Children’s Adventure Center
  • Fire Alarm Test and 3 Primrose St.
  • Pick up laptop – EMD
  • Pick up DOT guide books
  • Blocked Exit 2 Old Hawleyville Rd
  • Alarm issues at the Senior Center
  • Fireworks Inspections
Standing Committees:
Budget (Burton):
  • Budget has passed, holding back on non-emergency expenditures
  • $2000 transfer from hydrant to equipment repair will be made by Burton and Cragin with approval from Tait
  • Budget Committee recommendation to the BOFC reads as follows
  • The approved budget for the 2013-2014 year will not exceed the approved budget for the current year. The budget committee will be supporting the request of Dodgingtown to include a new Command Vehicle as previously discussed. Funding for that vehicle will be included. All chiefs and the Fire Marshal’s office are asked to keep this in mind when preparing their budgets. As in the past, all submission of budgets would be appreciated by the first week in September
Truck (Manna):
  • Highway has been servicing trucks
  • 559 may need springs, will be having them looked at by spring shop
  • 229 rear intake valve is in and will be installed on Monday
  • Will be working with Chief engineers to gather information on fire apparatus that will need tires this fiscal year
Radio (No report)
Policies and Procedures (No Report)
Hydrants – 3 hydrants need work, all are in Hawleyville
Purchasing agent
  • New pagers are in with wrong chargers, will be handed out with chargers that don’t have an amplifier so warranty doesn’t run out
  • Narrow banding – Tait said must have bid from 3 customers, spec will be written so it can get out
  • Response Improvement Plan – 4 re-do’s for spreadsheets, will get check request as soon as they are redone. Reminder to send all electronically
Old Business:
New Business:
Capitol Improvement Plan 2013/2014  2017/2018 (Attachment – Burton Handout)
Halstead recommends adding in for radio towers additions on Dinglebrook and end of 34 to improve poor radio connections in these places. After discussion, change was added to the year 2014/2015 for $450,000 for both towers.
Motion to accept CIP request ad amended was made by Goosman and seconded by Manna. Motion Passed
Training Request
Motion: Goosman moved to approve Dodgingtown’s request in the amount of $2,000 for RIT class.
Second: Descheneaux
Motion: Passed
Motion: Manna moved to approve Hook & Ladder’s request in the amount of $2,870.42 for Firehouse expo fees, hotels, parking, and fuel
Second: Goosman
Motion passed
Motion: Burton moved to approve Sandy Hook’s request in the amount of $1,250.00 for driver training.
Second: Goosman
Motion passed
Goosman moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:02, Burton Second. Motion Passed